Fly Tying Tutorial of the Week – Midge Body Baetis Nymph
Posted on October 27th, 2024 in Fly Tying Tutorials, Fly Tying Videos
The Midge Body Baetis Nymph is representative of a simple, quick-to-tie, durable mayfly nymph I like. Somewhat resembling a WD-40, it uses Montana Fly Company’s Midge Body Thread for its abdomen, and in some cases even its tying thread. This pattern is best in #16–18 and can be tied in whatever colors you like: the golden-olive with a black rib here imitates Baetis, rust brown with a brown rib imitates PMD, red, black, purple, etc.
The key with this fly is to experiment with how many layers of the “MBT” you use. On smaller flies, I often like to use just the MBT to tie in the tailing material and to construct the abdomen and rib. In larger sizes, it’s possible to use thread to create the initial body taper and tie in additional ribs, etc.
Midge Body Baetis Nymph – Recipe
A general recipe is provided first, with the precise recipe of the pictured fly afterward. A bead can also be used.
Hook: #14–18 scud. Here, #16.
Thread: 8/0 to match desired body color. Here, olive-dun Uni.
Tails: Medium pardo Coq-de-Leon or similar speckled feather fiber.
Abdomen: Tying thread and/or Midge Body Thread. Here, golden olive MBT is used on top a tying thread base.
Rib: Wire, stretch micro tubing, or MBT colored with a permanent marker, as desired. Here I’ve colored the golden olive MBT with a black Sharpie.
Wing Case: Black or Opal medium tinsel. Here, black.
Thorax: Semi-coarse dubbing of your choice. Here, gray Spirit River nymph blend.
Body Coating (Optional): Loon UV Flow or similar resin over the wing case and back slightly onto the abdomen.
Tying Procedure
Note that the procedure given is for the pictured fly in #16. You will want to tweak tying steps as you modify the fly and/or make it larger or smaller.
- Start tying thread about 1/3 of the way back from the eye with several wraps towards the bend before clipping thread, then several more wraps. Return thread to starting point.
- Secure tailing fibers with touching turns back down into the bend, then return to starting point.
- If desired, build up a slightly-tapering underbody with tying thread.
- Whip finish and clip thread, then start MBT at front end of thread base.
- Wrap MBT back in touching turns almost to the end of the thread base.
- Color MBT with Sharpie, then take 1–2 more turns back to the end of the thread base to use up the remaining unmarked thread.
- Spiral MBT forward in a tight rib to the front of the abdomen.
- Start tying thread and use these wraps to secure the MBT. Trim tag ends of both materials.
- Secure wing case on top the hook shank.
- Dub a thorax almost to the eye.
- Pull wing case tinsel forward. Secure and clip excess. Whip finish.
- Apply a drop of UV resin to the wing case and slightly back onto the dorsal portion of the abdomen. Cure.
- Pick out the thorax with Velcro or similar.
How-To Video
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