Caddis Cripple Fly Tying Video

Posted on March 4th, 2021 in Fly Tying Videos

Caddis Cripple

New tying vid: Caddis Cripple

While this color is intended for use on the Firehole River, where it matches the crucial June and September White Miller or Nectopsyche caddis, a few color tweaks makes this pattern match any caddis you wish, and it also makes a good low-riding attractor dry for summer. Tie them in olive-brown for the upcoming Mother’s Day Caddis Hatch, imminent on the Yellowstone & Madison!


Hook: Short shank dry, #12-20 (especially #14-16). Here, #16.

Thread: 8/0 to match or contrast overall color tones of the fly. Here, cream.

Body: Dubbing of your choice. Here, golden Arizona Synthetic Peacock. Keep the body sparse and rather scraggly.

Wing and Head: Widow’s Web or similar hydrophobic synthetic. Here, beige. Typical “realistic” colors are caddis tan and light tan. Typical “attractor” colors are white, polar bear, and beige.

Hackle: 4-5 turns of saddle hackle, trimmed under the hook. Here, barred light ginger.