Pink Clacka Caddis Fly Tying Video

Posted on March 4th, 2021 in Fly Tying Tutorials, Fly Tying Videos

Pink Clacka Caddis

The pink Clacka Caddis is one of our go-to attractor dry flies in high summer, particularly when there are both tan caddis (Hydropsyche) and Yellow Sally stoneflies (Isoperla) hatching, as we feel this pattern pulls double duty. It’s particularly good when skies are bright. Other good colors are peacock/Coachman (the original), tan, olive, black, and large dark brown. #12 to #16 is the standard size range, but I tie some colors as small as #20 and as large as #10. We use these bugs a lot on our guided trips on the Boulder, Yellowstone, and Stillwater Rivers. This pattern is distributed by Catch Fly Fishing.


Hook: Standard dry, #12-16.

Thread: 6/0 or 8/0 fluorescent fire orange.

Shuck: Gold or amber Zelon or Sparkle Emerger Yarn.

Abdomen: pink dubbing blend.

Wing: Loop of polar bear Widow’s Web or similar hydrophobic poly yarn.

Hackle: Light ginger.

Thorax: pink dubbing blend with a hint of sparkle.