Clouser Swimming Nymph Fly Tying Video
Posted on March 4th, 2021 in Fly Tying Tutorials, Fly Tying Videos
This variation of the Clouser Swimming Nymph includes bead chain eyes to make it ride upside-down. This is an excellent stillwater pattern in both cold water (trout) and warmwater (bass, crappie, and panfish) settings. It is especially evocative of damselfly nymphs, though it possesses crossover appeal as a leech, small crayfish, or large mayfly. You can fish it deep on a sink-tip or twitched shallow over the weed-tops on a floating line.
Clouser Swimming Nymph Recipe
Hook: Dai-Riki #285 or other curved-shank 3xl nymph hook, #8-14, particularly #12.
Weight: A few turns of .010 to .25 lead or lead-free wire at the center of the hook shank.
Thread: 8/0 to match the fly body color. Here, olive-dun. Other good color variants are black, rust, and tan.
Eyes: Black or gold bead-chain. Adjust eye size to change the sink rate.
Tail: Olive-dyed grizzly chickabou or standard marabou.
Rib: Copper wire, color to match or contrast body. Here, brassie copper Ultra-Wire is used.
Abdomen: Olive Hare’s Ear Dubbing, thin.
Wing Case: Several strands of peacock herl.
Thorax: Same as abdomen, full.
Legs: Olive-dyed or natural brown India Hen back or similar buggy, webby feather, tied in vee-style.