Gartside Soft Hackle Fly Tying Video

Posted on March 4th, 2021 in Fly Tying Tutorials, Fly Tying Videos

The Gartside Soft Hackle Streamer is a classic marabou and soft hackle streamer developed by Jack Gartside. This version is made using chickabou feathers, which allows for the pattern to be tied in much smaller sizes.

The same tying procedure used here also works on the large Alaskabou series and similar marabou steelhead and coho salmon flies. Just use large (#2/0 to #2) steelhead hooks, swap the chickabou for much larger marabou plumes, and add more flash.

Hook: 2xl nymph, #10.

Thread: Black 6/0.

Body Material: Olive-dyed chickabou (3 plumes total).

Flash: Rootbeer Krystal Flash.

Hackle: Brown-dyed grizzly hen.