Pink Lightning Bug Fly Tying Video

Posted on March 4th, 2021 in Fly Tying Tutorials, Fly Tying Videos

Pink Lightning Bug Introduction

Pink Lightning Bug nymphs are among the top winter flies in Montana, especially on the Missouri River where they’re effective from December or January through mid-May.

Though most Lightning Bugs look like slender, flashy mayfly nymphs, the pink version is suggestive of eggs and scuds at least as much as mayflies and midges. As such, the pattern is most effective when eggs and dead/dying scuds are mixing in the flow, most common in late winter and early spring.

Spin up a few Pink Lightning Bugs to try in your home waters this winter. Trail one of these behind a larger pink fly such as the AMEX Czech Jig I posted previously.

My Gussied Lightning Bug also works well in pink, if you’re looking for a “changeup” fly.


Hook: Standard scud, #16-18. #18 is usually best.

Bead: 3/32″ to 5/64″ nickel, in either brass or tungsten.

Thread: 8/0 hot pink or fluorescent fire orange.

Tail: Shell pink Antron yarn. Use 2/3 of the the bundle of fibers on #16 and half on #18. The tail should be rather full.

Abdomen: Holographic pink Flashabou doubled around the thread when it’s tied in.

Rib: Small to extra-small red Ultra Wire.

Wing Case: Medium pearl tinsel.

Thorax: Ball of pink dubbing slightly darker than the body and tail, dubbed loose for movement.