Boulder River Fishing Report

This Boulder River fishing report is valid from July 6 through July. The Boulder is now under 450cfs and as such is not floatable for the vast majority of boaters, including all but a few guides. Even ultralight rafts can’t make the run below about 350cfs, and that’s so low you’ll have to carry (not drag) the boat from time to time. As such, wading at the couple state accesses, the park in Big Timber, or from bridges is the best/only way for most people to access the river below Natural Bridge Falls. Above the Falls in the National Forest, there’s much more access but also more pressure.

Fish attractor dry-dropper combos wherever you opt to fish. A #12 Chubby with a Frenchie, Prince, etc. on the dropper should be all you need. If the fish aren’t responding, odds are you’re too close to an easy access point.

Learn more about fishing the Boulder.

Learn more about our float trips, including on the Boulder.

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